Slovenia Ranks as the Most Crypto-Friendly Country in the World

Slovenia Ranks as the Most Crypto-Friendly Country in the World

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Slovenia Most Crypto-Friendly Country

According to a study undertaken by the airline Fast Private Jet, the Central European country of Slovenia is the world’s most crypto-friendly state. In addition, Ljubljana, the capital, is Europe’s friendliest destination for digital asset firms.

Central Europe Is at The Forefront

Slovenia has 72 merchants and 33 sports venues that accept bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as payment. Ljubljana, the capital, is also Europe’s most crypto-friendly location. It currently has over 137 companies and 584 distinct locations that accept digital asset payments, with “BTC City” being its largest mall.

Prague, the Czech Republic’s capital, is Europe’s second most crypto-friendly place. The Paralelni Polis cafe, which accepts only bitcoin as payment, is one of the city’s crypto attractions.

Madrid, Spain, is Europe’s third most crypto-friendly city, while Malta is at the bottom of the list.

Fast Private Jet, an Italian aviation firm, undertook a global investigation to determine which nations have the most locations where cryptocurrencies are accepted as a form of payment. Slovenia first, followed by the Czech Republic, another Central European country. The top six are Argentina, Japan, Spain, and Colombia.

According to a Coincub study released earlier this month, Germany will be the most crypto-friendly country in the first quarter of 2022, followed by Singapore and the United States. However, the company’s study differs from Fast Private Jet’s. It considered aspects such as bitcoin regulations in various nations, the number of fraud instances, and the availability of digital asset courses.

This isn’t the first time the Central European country has appeared in similar investigations. According to the digital asset platform Crypto Head, Slovenia is the 7th most crypto-ready country, with an index of 5.96.

The organization used a combination of metrics to conduct the study, including Google’s annual crypto searches per 100,000 individuals and the number of ATMs.

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