From Zero to Hero, TON Blockchain TVL Skyrockets to $317M

From Zero to Hero, TON Blockchain TVL Skyrockets to $317M

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Quick Take:

  • Total value locked (TVL) rockets to $317 million, a 1278% surge since March.
  • TON notches a record by onboarding one million users in under 24 hours during the Notcoin token event.

Yello ParadiseSquad! The Open Network (TON), once just another contender in the crypto coliseum, has now bulldozed its way into the limelight, amassing a whopping $317 million in total value locked (TVL). This surge is not just a number—it’s a full-on spectacle that began with the launch of the Open League initiative. Think of it as the crypto equivalent of a loyalty program, but instead of points, you get a share of 30 million Toncoin. Now that’s a loyalty card worth keeping!

From Zero to Crypto Hero

From a modest $23 million in early March, TON’s TVL has skyrocketed to today’s eye-watering $317 million. This isn’t just growth; it’s crypto on a steroid regimen, increasing by an astounding 1278%. The milestones kept coming, with TON first hitting the $100 million mark in April and breezing past $200 million by May 6, 2024. This explosive growth has been catalyzed by popular DApps like and Dedust, and by innovative liquid staking projects such as Tonstakers and bemo.

Stability Amidst the Storm

Despite these dizzying heights, the TON token itself has been the picture of stability, trading around the $6 mark. Currently pegged at about $6.38, it’s up by a modest 0.23% over the past week—proving that sometimes in crypto, slow and steady does win the race.

Not Just a One-Hit Wonder

TON isn’t just about the numbers. It has also set records for speed, becoming the world’s fastest blockchain with 104,715 transactions per second back in November 2023. And let’s not forget its debut in the top ten global cryptocurrencies, boasting a market cap that’s the envy of many, at $20.8 billion.

The Money Moves

With $504 million raised in funding from heavy hitters like Pantera Capital, TON is no small fry in the investment pond. Recent undisclosed investments and strategic partnerships with giants like Hong Kong’s HasKey Group, crypto exchanges KuCoin and MEXC, and stablecoin titan Tether, have poised TON as a major player in the sprawling web of crypto commerce.

Looking Forward

As TON continues to build bridges with key industry players and enhance its platform, the crypto world watches. Will this network reshape our digital future? Only time will tell, but for now, TON is certainly having its moment in the sun, and it’s dazzling.

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