Crypto’s Notorious ‘Pink Drainer’ Logs Off, Ending an $85 Million Digital Heist Spree

Crypto’s Notorious ‘Pink Drainer’ Logs Off, Ending an $85 Million Digital Heist Spree

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Quick Take:

•Pink Drainer, the infamous crypto-wallet drainer, announces its retirement after an $85 million haul.

•The crypto community reacts as one of its most prolific villains hangs up the mask.

Yello ParadiseSquad! Let’s Dive into the latest drama in the crypto world, Pink Drainer, the notorious crypto wallet draining kit has decided to hang up its hacking gloves. 

Announcing its curtain call on Telegram, this notorious crypto-wallet draining kit declared that all its digital tools of trade would be wiped clean and securely destroyed. “After this message’s publication, we will begin winding down all of our infrastructure,” the announcement declared, marking the end of an era in crypto villainy.

The Man Behind the Mask

The elusive developer known only as Pink, when prodded for a parting word by Cointelegraph, offered a cryptic “I do not wish to comment. Bye.” before vanishing into the digital shadows, leaving behind a legacy of chaos and a deleted Telegram chat history.

Tracking the Trail of Theft

CryptoSleuth ZachXBT captured the final bow, sharing a screenshot that revealed Pink Drainer’s farewell and a theft tally topping $75 million. PeckShieldAlert chimed in, noting that Pink had managed to stake a hefty 18.1 million Dai into Spark, snatching about 1.35% of all sDAI tokens in the process. Dune Analytics paints a broader picture of the havoc wreaked, with over $85 million pilfered from more than 21,100 victims since July 2023.

A New, Puzzling Persona

As Pink Drainer exits stage left, the Telegram channel has taken on a new identity, “Bonadifier,” now featuring an enigmatic character named Bonad. The rebranded channel ominously reminds its followers to “never forget what he took from you,” signaling perhaps a new chapter or a cryptic clue in this ongoing digital drama.

The Year of the Drainer

2023 seems to have been a busy year for Pink, with the toolkit linked to a $53 million heist affecting over 9,000 unsuspecting crypto enthusiasts. The developer behind the drainer defended his actions with a simple rationale: “I don’t phish, I just code.” This saga is part of a larger trend that saw other high-profile crypto drainers like Inferno Drainer and Monkey Drainer also bow out after their own nefarious campaigns.

The Drainer Threat Persists

While the shutdown of Pink Drainer might offer a brief sigh of relief, the crypto world remains on edge. The existence of other active drainers like Angel Drainer, who recently lifted over $400,000 from 128 wallets via a deceptive Safe Vault contract, reminds us that the threat is far from over.


As we bid a not-so-fond farewell to Pink Drainer, the crypto community remains vigilant, watching the horizon for the next challenge. The end of Pink Drainer’s reign might close a chapter, but the book of crypto security threats remains wide open, with plenty more tales of digital intrigue yet to be written.

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