Vitalik Buterin Opposes Elon Musk’s Twitter Buy Wishes

Vitalik Buterin Opposes Elon Musk’s Twitter Buy Wishes

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Elon Musk's Twitter Buy Wishes

Elon Musk has often expressed his desire to build a new social media platform that gives users limitless freedom to express information and ideas. In his recent remarks, Musk showed interest in acquiring the entire Twitter cooperation at $54.20 per share; the crypto giant Vitalik Buterin is already opposing the idea.

There has been a long debate about what might happen if the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, takes over Twitter completely, the most influential social media platform.

Elon Musk hopes to become the biggest shareholder of Twitter despite his wishes being a great controversy.

Buterin’s views.

A star in the crypto industry, Vitalik Buterin, one of the co-founders of Ethereum (ETH), has gone against Elon Musk’s desire to buy Twitter. He has strongly opposed this idea by telling all the negative outcomes supposedly that happened.

Vitalik Buterin Opposes Elon Musk

He said he is not against Elon running Twitter or any other social media, but what would happen if such an influential social media platform got into the wrong hands. He tweeted these views abruptly concerning Elon Musk’s steps into conquering Twitter.

Buterin said that getting such a social media platform under control by rich people and wealthy organizations will be very risky. In his tweet, Buterin also pointed out indirectly that Twitter would rather be controlled by one organization than be put in the hands of an individual.

According to him, if Twitter gets into control of such people, all media posted would only be in their favour. He also said that if such a thing was to happen, then Twitter would eventually collapse.

On the other hand, Elon himself said that he is not sure if his plans of buying Twitter will materialize anytime soon. This is because Elon Musk only owns a share of 9.2%, compared to Vanguard Group, the largest stakeholder of Twitter, which owns 10.3% of the total shares.

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