WordPress Users can now Earn Ethereum as Ad Revenue

WordPress Users can now Earn Ethereum as Ad Revenue

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A recently released WordPress plugin called EthereumAds will let WordPress publishers auction for ad spaces and receive Ethereum as payment.

In a move to compete favorably with Google’s AdSense, EthereumAds allow for the option for decentralized payments thanks to Crypto-enabled technologies. For the past few years, Adsense has faced criticism over the fact that their transactions are traditional, and Google or other third parties could interfere and thus block payments.

EthereumAds Placement

ETH ads work just like any other auction-based service. Content publishers will integrate the ad widget to their website, and it automatically allocates space to the highest bidder for two weeks. The only difference to traditional ad services is that payments are handled in Ethereum. Advertisers and publishers will now be able to transact freely, and a higher commission assured for publishers.

According to a statement by the EthereumAd plugin developers, content publishers will have Ethereum Wallets to receive their payments on. The plugin is open-source, and each publisher using it will earn ethereum coins from advertisements on their sites.

Intermediaries for payments have been completely disinvolved, and the process is now faster, more reliable, and pays the publishers more.

WordPress and Cryptocurrency

The relationship between WordPress and the crypto world traces back to as early as 2012. WordPress was the first online business to accept bitcoin payments, but it withdrew in 2016 due to exorbitant bitcoin fees.

To date, there exist at least 300 cryptocurrency extensions in WordPress, including price tickers, donation buttons, digital paybox, and Bitcoin faucet. EthereumAds plugin will maximize the already existing extensions to maximize its monetization potential.

The new EthereumAd plugin has been designed to be compatible with WordPress blogs alongside independently hosted websites. This unique feature will most likely help the plugin traverse through a broader platform and beat its biggest competitor-Adsense limitations.

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