Crypto traders on Binance apply trading strategies such as day trading and hodling. Day traders prey on hourly or daily market swings to maximize gains. Hodlers hold their digital assets for a long time, potentially selling them during market bull runs to fully maximize the digital asset’s profitability.
Crypto traders on Binance burn the midnight oil, closely monitoring markets trends to profit from crypto sales. All this hard work might go to waste in a flash when the trader transfers their crypto via wrong networks on Binance.
The crypto traders on Binance need to develop keener eyes to avoid withdrawing the coins to wrong networks. Human is to error even with keenness. That said, some crypto traders on Binance may transfer the crypto to another exchange, or a crypto wallet that does not support the a given cryptoasset.
Crypto traders on Binance sometimes get lucky and unintentionally transfer the crypto to a non-custodial wallet that supports the crypto in question. Recovering crypto in Binance is possible in such cases.
Recovering Crypto Transferred to the Wrong Networks on Binance
The BEP-20 token is a token standard on the Binance Smart Chain, while the ERC-20 is an Ethereum network token. While it is generally impossible to use other popular coins other than BEP-20 on BSC, pegging these popular coins such as Eth to Binance render them usable on the platform.
Traders may transfer the ERC-20 and the BEP-20 to the wrong wallet, both within the Binance platform and external wallets like MetaMask Wallet.
A better understanding of the steps to be initiated in recovering crypto transferred to the wrong networks on Binance prompts analysis of the following three case scenarios:
- How to Recover Crypto in Binance Transferred to a Wallet that Supports Both Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum
The BSC and Ethereum blockchains are compatible, thus accessible with the same private key. This compatibility makes the ERC-20 and the BEP-20 retrievable when transferred to either of the blockchains.
For instance, if a trader unintentionally transfers the ERC-20 token through BSC, this will assume the form of a BEP-20 token pegged to ETH on the BSC wallet.
Methods of Token Recovery
Recovering crypto in Binance is possible through the following techniques:
- Binance Bridge
Binance bridge is a tool that allows the cross-chain transfer of digital assets to Binance.
To use this tool to convert the transferred token back to the original token, the trader needs to install a MetaMask and a Binance Smart wallet.
The trader must also have some BNB token to fuel the Binance platform to initiate the recovery.
- Manual Recovery
Manual recovery involves the manual transfer of a token to Binance before transferring back to the original blockchain. Let’s have a look at the recovery steps for a Binance-peg ETH back to ERC-20:
Step 1: Visit Binance Withdrawal Page
- Select ETH.
- Set deposit network to BEP-20(BSC).
Step 2: Convert the ETH to ERC
- Select an Ethereum supported network.
- Finally, set ERC-20 to transfer network.
The manual recovery of ERC-20 from the Binance-peg ETH requires a BNB token for gas fees.
How to Recover Crypto in Binance when Transferred to a Crypto Wallet that only Supports BSC or Ethereum
This scenario dictates that the private key (or the seed phrase in some cases) of the BEP-20 token gets imported to the new compatible wallet. Common wallets used are Trust Wallet, Math Wallet, MetaMask, and Safepal. Recovery of BEP-20 token sent to an unsupported wallet is possible through the following steps:
Step 1: Connecting MetaMask Wallet with BSC
Users who use MetaMask wallet can install BSC, connect these two and switch the connection to BSC to view the BEP-20 token.
Step 2: Transferring the BEP-20 Token to a BSC-compatible Wallet
The Binance user can then transfer the BEP-20 token to a BSC-compatible wallet like Binance Chain Wallet.
Step 3: Installing the Binance Chain Wallet Chrome Extension
If the user has an existing account with Binance Chain Wallet, they should click [I own a wallet] and input the seed phrase and a new password to access the wallet.
Users who prefer opening a new account may do so. They should click [ I do not own a wallet], import the private key from their previous wallet, and paste it into the new wallet. The BEP-20 token will reflect immediately.
However, it is noteworthy that if your original wallet is a custodial wallet, it becomes impossible to transfer the tokens since custodial wallets do not give access to private keys.
- How to Recover Token Transferred to Different Crypto Exchanges or a Custodial Wallet
If you send tokens to a different exchange or a custodial wallet that does not support ERC-20 or BEP-20, the tokens might get lost. Most of the custodial wallet providers do not disclose the private keys to anyone, including the owner.
However, some custodial wallet providers may offer access to the private keys at a fee. In such a case, the BEP-20 token and ERC-20 token transferred to the external wallet can get transferred back to a supported blockchain/ wallet.
Final thought
Recovering the BEP-20 token and ERC-20 token transferred to a wallet supported by both Ethereum and BSC is possible, thanks to the compatibility of the two blockchains.
Recovering ERC-20 token from a wallet that only supports BSC will require special tools such as the Binance bridge to transfer the token to an Ethereum supported wallet.
Recovering ERC-20 and BEP-20 tokens sent to another exchange or a custodial wallet may prove difficult, especially if the user gets denied access to the private key.
When depositing and withdrawing tokens on Binance, keenness is mandatory to ensure no loss of investment.
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Avax on C Chain Binance niet geaccepteerd
1 Foutieve overmaking op verkeerde chain Binance maar wel gekoppeld aan mijn adres
Overboeking via Metamask
2.Er staat hier dat er alleen AVAX naar toe mag sturen en dat heb ik gedaan
3. MetaMask gaf ook geen waarschuwing bij het invullen van dit adres. MetaMask is de software van de wallet waarvan de 980 AVAX zijn verstuurd naar Binance
4. Blijkbaar heeft MetaMask de 980 AVAX verstuurd naar Binance over de C-chain (Contract chain) omdat dit de enige manier is waarop AVAX op een MetaMask wallet adres kan staan.
5. Vervolgens blijkt dat Binance de C-chain van Binance niet ondersteund. Maar dit is echter niet expliciet vermeld op de pagina waar informatie over stortingsmogelijkheden staan (zie afbeelding).
6. Dit is tevens voor Binance de reden waarom zij mijn gestorte 980 AVAX niet kunnen crediteren in mijn portfolio
7. Dit terwijl de onderstaande link bewijst dat de 980 AVAX, hoewel over het verkeerde netwerk verstuurd, op het door Binance aangegeven stortingsadres staan.
8. Zoals u ziet komt het adres overeen. Ik heb de 980 AVAX dus naar het juiste adres verstuurd
9. Vervolgens heb ik met het team van de AVAX blockchain geconsulteerd en daar blijkt het volgende uit. Zij kunnen de transactie niet terugdraaien omdat dit volgens hen niet kan op een blockchain.
10. Echter geven zij aan dat Binance met een relatief simpele oplossing het geld terug kunnen sturen en mijn onvoorziene fout kunnen herstellen.
12. De oplossing die Binance zou kunnen toepassen is het importeren van het stortingsadres via MetaMask door het invoeren van de privé sleutel. Als Binance vervolgens het RPC netwerk van Avelanche installeert op hun MetaMask software zouden zij toegang krijgen tot mijn 980 AVAX en deze om kunnen zetten en terugsturen
13. Ik heb deze oplossing herhaaldelijk (10x) voorgesteld en uitgelegd met de assistentie van Avelanche. Ik heb ook voorgesteld om Binance te vergoeden voor het ongemak met een bedrag naar hun keuze. Echter weigert Binance de oplossing toe te passen omdat dit in strijd is met hun eigen protocol en bedrijfsvoering.
14. Ik heb nogmaals gevraagd of Avelanche iets kan doen, bijvoorbeeld Binance contacten, maar zij ontvangen hetzelfde antwoord.
15. De conclusie is dat ik geen toegang heb tot mijn 980 AVAX tot dat Binance de C-chain van Avelanche ondersteund. Er is echter geen zicht op een termijn en of dit ooit gaat gebeuren.
Is dit probleem op te lossen? Het probleem wat ik ervaar is dat ik ook geen medewerking krijg vanuit Binance en er iedere keer iemand anders is bij klantenservice van Binance
I’ll transfer my crypto token SHIB INU from binance exchange to wazirx exchanges but unfortunately I select BP 20 blockchain whereas in wazirx they only support ERC 20 network , now i lost my assets pllss help me nd give instruction how i recover my token
However the situation may be,Recovering lost crypto in any form isn’t impossible as people speak anymore. Although in the case of a forgotten password and email it’s gonna be a little slow but certainly you’ll be able to recover.Recoveries for cross-chain deposits and unsupported tokens are highly risky and time-consuming, and not all deposits can be successfully recovered. The type of token mistakenly sent and the type of receiving address can influence the difficulty, time and security risk involved. The time taken for recovery will be at our full discretion and any transfer fees would be charged to the recovered value.
Because of the high risk involved in recovery operations, coinwalletsec101 engineers will only attempt to recover unsupported token deposits that exceed a minimum value of equivalent to PHP 5000 at the time of deposit and will charge a recovery fee based on prevailing gas prices (to cover blockchain fees).
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If you accidentally send your crypto through the wrong invesment company and you are looking for a way to recover your crypto, I would suggest you reach out to a professional recovery easyreclaim713@gmailcom with the right ethical encryption tools to help recover your crypto.
I recently had an unfortunate experience with a crypto scam, however, I’ve been able to recover most of my funds thanks to the amazing service provided by @coach__lauren_lancaster . Their platform is efficient and easy to use; they even gave me timely updates throughout the process and helped me get fast results within days! I recommend them to anyone in need of such service.
it is very possible, I was also scammed and lost a huge amount in crypto and I was able to get help from a gentleman I was introduced to, he helped me recover every penny I lost, you should reach out to him below for inquiry on how to go about your case. get the help you need from [email protected] .
Cryptocurrency sent to a wrong wallet can be traced to that wallet and will be retrieved for you with techniques and technical resources of [email protected] . He’s a professional cryptocurrency recovery expert and their service is highly reliable. Get in touch to use their guaranteed service.
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