U.S. House Approves Major Crypto Legislation

U.S. House Approves Major Crypto Legislation

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Quick Take:

  • The U.S. House of Representatives passes the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act, marking a policy win for crypto.
  • Notable cross-party support sees the bill sailing through the House.

Yello ParadiseSquad! In what might be scripted as a minor miracle in the annals of legislative lore, the cryptocurrency world just scored a big one. The U.S. House of Representatives, in a display of rare bipartisan camaraderie, has passed the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21) with flying colors: 279 to 136. This isn’t just any bill, it’s the first major crypto legislation to swagger through a congressional chamber.

A Senate Stalemate Ahead?

But before any victory parades, there’s a hurdle: the Senate. The bill’s fate there is about as clear as mud, with no similar bill waiting and support levels shrouded in mystery. So, while the House may have thrown a blockbuster crypto party, the Senate could still be a buzzkill.

Regulatory Rejig on the Radar

The FIT21 Act is no lightweight; it’s looking to beef up U.S. crypto markets with a solid regulatory skeleton. Think consumer protections and crisp definitions that tell us whether digital assets are more like securities or commodities. It’s handing the regulatory reins primarily to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), a move that shifts the spotlight from the usual crypto cop, the SEC.

Not Without Naysayers

Despite the backslapping in the House, not everyone’s popping champagne. President Joe Biden and SEC Chair Gary Gensler are waving red flags, worried the bill might let crypto companies slip through securities oversight. And let’s not forget Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), who views the bill as a potential get-out-of-jail-free card for what she sees as the crypto wild west.

Crypto Regulation: The Road Ahead

As the FIT21 Act struts into the Senate’s court, the crypto industry watches with bated breath. Will this bill weave through the legislative labyrinth to become law, or will it hit a dead end? It’s more than just a regulatory reshuffle; it’s about setting the stage for the future of digital assets in Uncle Sam’s domain.


As the dust settles in the House, the crypto community might feel a flicker of hope. This bill could be the prelude to a more structured and stable crypto market in the U.S., or just another chapter in the ongoing saga of crypto’s clash with Capitol Hill. Either way, it’s a storyline worth watching!

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