Coinbase CEO is receiving fierce accusation over a contradictory political statement

Coinbase CEO is receiving fierce accusation over a contradictory political statement

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coinbase apolitical

Before long after claiming the company to be “laser-focused on achieving its mission,” Brian Armstrong, the Coinbase CEO, went astray his own words by making a contradictory tweet with a false political statement during working hours.

Armstrong posted a tweet from his account on the 23rd of October with a link to a blog discussing Kanye West’s interest in the run for the presidency, tagging it as an “epic post.” This was Rob Rhinehart’s blogging, but Armstrong supported it. The post was titled “Why I am Voting for Kanye West.” Its contents, however, seemed to go against Armstrong’s principles on politicking at the company.

Twitter is thought to have brought down Rob Rhinehart’s post as well as his account. This is because the post was misinforming as it had pure lies and inaccurate details. Even though some claim the post was written sarcastically, but with all things considered, it was over the line with it being a ball of lies.

One of the outages the blog has is one saying that Joe Biden’s son committed suicide; to be exact, it claims he “killed himself”. The truth is that he succumbed to brain cancer in 2015. Twitter had brought down an account belonging to the New York Post after making unsolicited rumors on Hunter Biden.

In September, Armstrong gave a disagreeable blog saying that firms’ objectives had not cited campaigning” for specific causes or competitors inside that are disconnected to our main goal since it is an interruption from our central goal.” “We won’t discuss causes or political up-and-comers inside that are inside that are irrelevant to work,” read part of the post. He kept on expressing that laborers “ought not to anticipate that the organization should speak to our convictions externally.”

The post was made at 12:12 PM PST on a workday without considering the variance in their working hours with his employees. This caused fallacy as it contradicted his principles against politics at work.

Armstrong claims he’d hoped to avoid such contestation when he made the firm apolitical.

About 5% of the firm’s employees were reported to have left their jobs at Coinbase following this order of events. The remaining feel they’re not getting their freedom of expression. However, by law, private companies do not have to uphold such freedom.

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