Base Network Shatters Records: Over 2 Million Transactions in a Day

Base Network Shatters Records: Over 2 Million Transactions in a Day

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Key Highlights;

  • Base Network hits a new milestone with 2.275 million transactions in just one day.
  • DEX transaction volume soars to $730 million, signaling sky-high activity.

Yello ParadiseSquad! Let’s dive into some groundbreaking news from the crypto world! On March 29, the Base Network did something extraordinary – it cranked out over 2.275 million transactions, sending the DEX transaction volume up to a whopping $730 million. This wasn’t just a good day; it was a record-setting moment that had everyone talking.

Locked Assets Leap

But wait, there’s more! The amount of money locked up in the network – think of it as a measure of how much trust investors are putting into it – shot up by more than 200%. In just five days, it jumped from $2 billion to an eye-watering $3 billion.

Spotlight on Stablecoins

According to Colin Wu, a well-known Chinese reporter, this surge is partly thanks to the network’s stablecoins, which saw their market value jump by 55% to cross the $1.1 billion mark. That’s not just growth; that’s a rocket launch to record heights.

Users and Revenue Up, Up, and Away

The Base Network wasn’t just busy with transactions; it was buzzing with people. On March 29, the number of active users exceeded 380,000, while the total number of addresses hit the 5.5 million mark. And the cherry on top? A net revenue of $38.02 million and a profit of $20.47 million.

Wall Street, Take Note

Ryan Watkins, a big name in the crypto space, threw in his two cents, pointing out the massive potential of the Base Network. He hinted that once Wall Street catches on to the fact that Coinbase could be raking in over $500 million in annual revenue from an Ethereum rollup, we might just see a tidal wave of enterprise interest in building onchain.

Fast and Furious Growth

In the race to lock in assets, the Base Network has been breaking speed limits. Jesse Pollak, a key player behind the scenes, shared that the total value locked (TVL) zoomed from $2 billion to $3 billion in mere days. To put that in perspective, it took over 200 days to hit the first billion and just 23 days to double that.

So, ParadiseSquad, as we watch the Base Network rewrite the rulebook on blockchain transactions and growth, it’s clear this is just the beginning. Buckle up; we’re in for an exciting ride.

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