New WordPress Plugin Allows P2P Donations and Conversion into Any Token

New WordPress Plugin Allows P2P Donations and Conversion into Any Token

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Swiss Web3 payment start-up DePay

Depay has introduced a new WordPress plugin, DePay Donations, which allows accepting P2P donations and further enables decentralized conversion of the received crypto donations into any desired token.

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Depay Introduces a Middleman Free Crypto Donations WordPress Plugin

DePay Donations is the first Open Source WordPress plugin with such liberties. According to Swiss Web3 payment start-up DePay, the plugin is free to install for websites. Depay Donations can be installed from the official WordPress plugin directory.

The plugin offers the advantage of middleman-free and financial-censorship-resistant donations. Commenting on the launch, Sebastian Pape, the founder of DePay, stated that WordPress has shaped the internet for close to 20 years. Pape continued that the team at DePay was thrilled to enable people running their WordPress installation to accept Web3 donations by simply installing a plugin.

Previously, accepting crypto donations for WordPress publishers has not been a seamless experience. One option available was using a centralized crypto payment gateway, which entailed trusting intermediaries to accept the crypto donations on behalf of the publisher. Cryptocurrency’s core is its decentralization. The method contradicted this fact and limited the number of cryptocurrencies that can be accepted.

Alternatively, publishers wishing to accept crypto donations had to provide wallet addresses on their site. The method required high administrative overhead going into monitoring different wallets and converting tokens to hedges because of their volatility.

The Upgrade is the WordPress plugin Depay Donations

The WordPress plugin Depay Donations is an upgrade from the current methods available. The plugin supports multiple blockchains, maximizes decentralization through the middleman free P2P payments from the supporter wallet to the receiver wallet, and supports over 100 of the most popular cryptocurrency wallets.

The plugin of Swiss Web3 payment start-up DePay enables decentralized token conversion via liquidity pools such as UniSwap or PancakeSwap. It, therefore, minimizes the administrative burden on the part of the recipient.

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