Bill Gates Disagrees with Elon Musk’s Crypto Stance

Bill Gates Disagrees with Elon Musk’s Crypto Stance

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Crypto advocate Elon Musk

Bill Gates has come out to attack crypto investment once again, stating that it is like a smoke canister fueled by entrepreneurs who are not dependent on their profits.

Gates attacked Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s crypto stance. Elon Musk is a vocal crypto enthusiast who has influenced the digital asset market with his opinions. The Tesla CEO pushed Dogecoin from the 100th position to the top 10. Musk also fueled the price of Bitcoin to hit an all-time high before making it plummet.

Elon Musk Does Not Know What to Do With His Money: Gates

According to the Microsoft co-founder, crypto advocate Elon Musk does not know what to do with his money. It is why he is throwing it away in cryptocurrency.

It is no secret that Bill Gates disapproves of cryptocurrency. He believes Musk’s crypto activities are influenced by the fact that he has money to spare. Gates warns traders with less investment capital than Musk not to be wooed by the compulsive businessman.

If Bill Gates’s sentiments are true, then Tesla CEO Elon Musk has a lot of capital to spare. The billionaire revealed that he has invested in Dogecoin as his main cryptocurrency. Apart from the meme coin, Musk also holds Bitcoin and Ether.

Crypto advocate Elon Musk has gone as far as bringing cryptocurrencies to his companies. Last year, Tesla started accepting Bitcoin payments then later stopped citing environmental concerns. He has alluded that Tesla may add DOGE to its balance sheet to replace its halted bitcoin.

Elon Musk Has a Lot of Spare Capital to Invest in Crypto

Bill Gates referred to Elon Musk’s crypto stance as influenced by his billionaire status. Different sources rank him as one of the richest men in the world. His businesses are also billion-dollar. Reportedly, the Tesla CEO secured $25 million by 2021 from the pledge of Hertz to buy 100,000 Tesla.

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2 years ago

Hahahaha thanks for your post. what the heck entrepreneurs who are not dependent on their profits ? Good lord.

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