Coinbase Plans on Hiring 2000 Employees This Year

Coinbase Plans on Hiring 2000 Employees This Year

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Coinbase Wallet

The biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States by trade volume, Coinbase, has announced a hiring spree in the course of the year.

As GregAhl reports, this move is aimed to take advantage of the opportunities presented with the development of Web3.

The chief officer at Coinbase, L.J. Brock, commented on the matter saying the company plans to expand its product, design, and engineering. As of now, he believes the company is at its infancy stages, and thereby, building onramps for other individuals to participate is critical in running the next generation.

The news comes despite the ongoing fear that crypto markets are headed to a long winter period, with Bitcoin trading 35% below its all-time high. L.J. Brock believes that you focus on scaling during the highs and product innovation at the lows in the crypto business. Whether at market highs or lows, Coinbase sees an opportunity for growth. This makes it an exciting work environment to work in right now.

The 2000 employees soon to be based at Coinbase will be chosen over the merits of clear communication, continuous learning, and effectiveness. They will all be expected to take a mission-focused approach to their work.

The exchange plans to add more products to its offerings portfolio. User-generated content like NTFs and Coinbase Wallet are avenues the company will explore. The key focus will be on enhancing the security, accessibility, and usability of Coinbase wallets.

A Brief Background On Coinbase

In 2020, Coinbase suffered damaging reports as the New York Times unveiled discriminatory treatment black employees were suffering.

The CEO, Brian Armstrong, urged the company to remain apolitical even with the Black History Month taking momentum. Employees that felt uncomfortable with this too can opt for exit package freely.

This new hiring spree is probably the exchange’s means to make amends.

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