Wisconsin Woman Apprehended for paying Bitcoin to a Hitman to murder someone

Wisconsin Woman Apprehended for paying Bitcoin to a Hitman to murder someone

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Kelly Harper

Suppose you want to pay someone to commit a crime, and you plan to remain exclusively unattached to the deed in case all hell breaks loose.  What sort of payment would you rather?

Bitcoin, of course!

Bitcoin is the go-to form of transaction for most illegal activities for a straightforward reason. Its transactions can in no way be traced back to you. Terrorists, drug dealers, thieves, and now hit-murder artists are having a field day with it.

The police have apprehended a Wisconsin woman after a failed attempt to hire a hitman from a website to commit murder. The Suppose you want to pay someone to commit a crime, and you plan to remain exclusively unattached to the deed in case all hell breaks loose. was uncovered by three journalists who have been working on a report to hack intel on a suspicious contract killing website.

The lawsuit’s complaint- the journalists, reveal that the Wisconsin woman had given details on the person she wanted dead alongside other personal information to the hitman. She had gone further to send screenshots of a bitcoin account, supposedly hers, to the website admin as proof she could afford the payment. The account held $5,630 worth of BTC.

The FBI raided Kelly Harper’s home after a complaint was filed. True to the plaintiff’s word, they found copies of the screenshots from the dark website.

The Wisconsin woman is currently in custody. She has already pleaded guilty to the charges placed against her. If convicted, she stands to serve a sentence of up to 10 years.

The Future of Crypto Assets Amidst Illegal Threats

Concerns for Bitcoin and other similar cryptocurrencies being used for criminal activities continues to rise as digital assets’ popularity rises.

The probable solution here is for the US government and financial security systems to work together and devise more stringent laws to be abided by.

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