🪩Is Bitcoin Bull Run Just Warming Up? What You Should Know

🪩Is Bitcoin Bull Run Just Warming Up? What You Should Know

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Bitcoin Bull Run

Yello, ParadiseClub Members! 😎 Are you wondering if the Bitcoin Bull run has more fuel in the tank? Let’s look at the signs:

💎Open Interest (OI) shows that there’s still room for growth in the market. Right now, the 7-day moving average of OI is up by 9%. While that’s good, it’s not as high as it was in February when it soared by 20%, or during the first Bitcoin 2011 rally when it rocketed beyond 33%.

💎Here’s the scoop from our ParadiseTeam’s Professional Traders: The Bitcoin bull run feels like it’s just warming up. Without any major unforeseen shocks (the ‘Black Swan‘ events we previously talked about), this upward trend could keep going strong for another 300 days. The OI values coupled with the prolonged bull run expectations can make things very exciting ahead. So, be ready.

Stay sharp, focused, patient, and disciplined Paradisers🥂

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