Ukrainian Government Received Total $1,227,807 USDT on TRON as Donation

Ukrainian Government Received Total $1,227,807 USDT on TRON as Donation

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government of Ukraine

The government of Ukraine appealed for crypto donations last week to aid in its fight against Russia. Ukraine’s official Twitter account posted addresses for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT.

The country’s Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov additionally posted a TRON address for USDT payments. Tron Founder Justin Sun revealed that the address had received a total of $1,227,807 USDT for 2577 transactions with an average of $477 each.

Ukraine Starts Accepting Polkadot Donations

Crypt executives Gavin Timber of Polkadot and Justin Sun of Tron advised federal governments to embrace their corresponding indigenous coins. Gavin Wood promised to donate $5 million should the Ukrainian government accept Polkadot. Moreover, other layer-1 blockchain fans have also asked that Ukraine launches more budgets similar to Ethereum. Sun also urged Ukraine to adopt TRX in addition to USDT.

Apart from BTC, ETH, and USDT, Ukraine started accepting Polkadot. The nation of Ukraine posted the Polkadot wallet address on its official Twitter account.

Cryptocurrency has revealed the censorship strength of modern blockchain technology in this Ukraine-Russia crisis. Many electrical outlets are validating the number of Ukraine’s crypto donations. Blockchain analytics firm Elliptic confirmed that $22.8 million was added to both leading blockchains since mid-Monday.

Crypto Donations Continue Pouring Into Ukraine

As the days continue, more crypto donations continue pouring into Ukraine, Coin Centre Executive Director Jerry Brito created a portal that tracks the number of donations sent to Ukraine. Brito’s portal reports that $6.6 million in Bitcoin and $6.5 million in Ethereum have been donated to the government of Ukraine.

Apart from the official addresses posted by the nation of Ukraine, other NGOs are also collecting Ukraine’s crypto donations on behalf of the country. Nadya Tolokonnikova, a member of “Pussy Riot”, created UkraineDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization to collect crypto for Ukraine.

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