Stanford University to Return FTX’s Controversial Millions!

Stanford University to Return FTX’s Controversial Millions!

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📰 Yello Paradisers! Let’s Dive In:

Stanford University is in hot water, as they’ve decided to return millions in donations from FTX. The twist? These donations were allegedly orchestrated by the parents of Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of the now-bankrupt FTX cryptocurrency exchange.

📰 The Legal Quagmire

FTX has sued Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, both professors at Stanford Law School, for misappropriating millions, including a whopping $5.5 million in donations to Stanford. The university is now in talks to return these funds.

📰 Stanford’s Statement

According to a spokesperson, Stanford will be returning the funds in full. The donations were primarily for pandemic-related prevention and research.

📰 The Parents Fight Back

Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried have vehemently denied all allegations, calling them “completely false.” Their son, Sam, is currently behind bars and is preparing for a trial next month.

📰 The Legal Team Speaks

Attorneys for the parents have called FTX’s lawsuit a “dangerous attempt to intimidate” just days before their son’s trial.

📰 Radio Silence

Neither Stanford University nor representatives of the Bankman and Fried families have responded to media inquiries about this controversial decision.

📰 Final Thoughts

This case is a tangled web of legal and ethical dilemmas, and it’s far from over. With a trial looming, the crypto community is keenly watching how this unfolds. Stay tuned for more, Paradisers!

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