Presidio Property Trust Now accepting Crypto Payments

Presidio Property Trust Now accepting Crypto Payments

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Presidio Property

Presidio Property, a real estate agency, has joined the club of enterprises accepting cryptocurrency payments in the virtual market. The American trust aspires to be a leader in virtual payments, and it will accept rent payments in cryptos from its tenants. This is not the first time a real estate agent in the United States has accepted bitcoin payments.

Presidio accepts cryptocurrencies

Jack Heilbron, president, and CEO stated that Presidio Property takes four kinds of cryptocurrencies: BTC, DOGE, LTC, and ETH. However, all of this will be done under rigorous guidelines.

Seizing opportunity presented by bitcoin surge

Crypto payments have increased in various domains, including real estate since Bitcoin reached its all-time high in May and subsequently in October. After China blocked this decentralized market, bitcoin specialists’ surveys revealed that the United States became the number one nation for cryptocurrency payments.

The Presidio Property Trust is one of the new firms that accept bitcoin payments, and it is taking advantage of the cryptocurrency surge for many individuals. Presidio Property, a real estate firm based in Florida and Texas, accepts crypto payments for the purchase of innovative technology. These acts have also pushed US real estate agents to accept these payments for months.

Because Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin are the oldest and most valuable cryptocurrencies on the market, real estate agents in the United States have agreed to utilize them as their primary payment methods. They have, however, increased payment in Dogecoin, the most popular cryptocurrency, as a result of billionaire Elon Musk’s assumptions.

Crypto payments for fame

Although a real estate agent may agree to crypto payments with its tenants, in actuality, they do so for the sake of fame rather than for monetary benefit. Most of these real estate businesses are linked to an encryption platform that accepts virtual currency and converts it to fiat afterward.

Real estate firms gain from the speed with which crypto payments are handled. However, after completing the payment, the renter will not be required to pay any taxes.

La Haus, which announced its cooperation with OpenNode about a month ago, is among the numerous real estate firms that have joined the crypto craze. These cryptocurrency transfers have a beneficial impact on tokens like Bitcoin, which is now trading at $51,171. Alternative tokens that flow into these payment systems, like Ethereum and Litecoin, are now trading at $4,453 and $163, respectively.

Presidio Property might reveal which exchange would accept bitcoin payments in the following hours. The money will most likely be sent to platforms like Coinbase, Robinhood, or perhaps OpenNode, which are participating in the new real estate payments.

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