OneCoin Ponzi Scheme Movie Starred by Kate Winslet (the Titanic actress and Oscar winner) coming soon

OneCoin Ponzi Scheme Movie Starred by Kate Winslet (the Titanic actress and Oscar winner) coming soon

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OneCoin scandal

Mc Adam, one of the victims of the OneCoin scam, wrote a book about her experience with the Ponzi scheme. She painted a clear picture of her grief, as she watched her friends and family lose their hard-earned money. They had invested a whopping amount of up to $300,000 before it dawned on her that the firm wasn’t adopting the blockchain technology, hence could not produce crypto.

Fueled by the skillfully structured strategy of a ‘them vs us’ mentality, OneCoin managed to maneuver their ways amid the warnings of the governmental agencies and some of the crypto experts. In turn, their popularity continued to soar to staggering heights before they finally raked up to $4 billion from the masses across the globe.

Even though her book was never published, Jen McAdam is set to be one of the co-producers of the oncoming thriller “Fake!” It has as well been confirmed by reports that the award-winning titanic star, Kate Winslet has appended her signature to star the oncoming thriller “Fake!”

The Ponzi scheme was started by two Bulgarian namely Ruja Ignatova and Sebastian Greenwood back in 2014. Ruja’s brother was detained last year for the alleged crime of fraud and money laundering. In 2018, Greenwood was as well brought to book following his arrest for involvement in the scheme.

Investigations are still ongoing since Ignatova disappeared in the thin air. Reports have it that they developed a multilevel structure of marketing which was a masquerade of the cryptocurrencies. From the report made by Cointelegraph, it had been speculated that OneCoin could reach the bitcoin threshold as it soared immensely in the market by winning the trust of the masses.

The turn of events from the drama in court still didn’t portray the clear picture of OneCoin scandal. It is expected that the oncoming thriller featuring the Oscar winner, Kate Winslet will stir the emotions of the masses.

A reputable writer and director, Scott Z. Burns, who wrote a movie starred by Winslet about a pandemic, is set to do the same with the oncoming crypto scam thriller ‘Fake!’ The movie will be produced at MGM studios alongside Winslet and Jenifer Todd.

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3 years ago

Ludzie buduja za duzo murlw, a za malo mostlw. Choduja zbyt duzo knurlw, a za malo porostlw… Izaac Newton & GreenPeace

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