Mexican University introduces a crypto-related course

Mexican University introduces a crypto-related course

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Latin American university,

A historical event has just been passed in a leading and top decorated tertiary institution in Mexico. The university has passed and endorsed the launch of a financial Engineering major course; whose units would comprise of subjects relating to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

As per an official report released by the Latin American university, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the crypto courses would be accessed by full-time and part-time students. These crypto courses will have a span of two semesters and four semesters depending on the type of student, full-time or part-time, respectively.

About the Financial Engineering Degree

The crypto courses will enable students to work out the investment viability in private and public firms. It will also equip them with the skills necessary to formulate financing approaches, design, advance, and apply ground-breaking fiscal tools and procedures. They will also formulate venture collections, weigh fiscal perils, and many more.

The statement, nevertheless, only provided limited information whereby subtopics will be devoted to digital currency issues. Through a press release, there are reports of the CEO of Mexican CryptoFintech, Eloisa Cadenas, saying that Bitcoin and blockchain know-how growth will be among the units or topics in this course.

The Mexican University made it clear that it aims at availing Fiscal Engineering to graduates with a degree in Engineering, Actuary, Mathematics, or any other related course. These courses have to fall or generalized under Physical Mathematical Sciences and Engineering.

The birth of courses relating to the crypto world in tertiary institutions is the first at university level schooling in Latin America. The crypto course cannot be categorized as a diploma as it is a major to already degree graduates.

Knowledge in the field

However, this is not the first rodeo for UNAM as it had previously been connected to news of it giving room to crypto courses in their academic curriculum. On the 20th of August 2020, the university’s ongoing Education Division in the college of Accounting and Administration had a Financial Technologies diploma. This offered course dealt with law, fintech, crypto, and subjects on cryptocurrencies.

Webometrics 2020-2 commented claiming the Mexican University is a runner up in terms of the best university in Latin America. According to Webometrics, at the top is the University of Sao Paulo. All three Mexican Nobel crowned persons: Mario Molina, Alfonso Garcia, and Octavia Paz, went through this university.

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