Litecoin Fdn and hub partner to provide virtual and hybrid events

Litecoin Fdn and hub partner to provide virtual and hybrid events

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Litecoin Foundation

Litecoin Foundation has revealed its latest venture as they conclude a partnership with Hub, ‘a crypto-reward community platform.’ This partnership is aimed at supplying cybernetic and hybrid activities in the crypto industry. As per the official statement, the collaboration aims to accommodate more than a million Litecoin users. These Litecoin Foundation’s clients are from all over the world and can thus easily interact via this partnership.

The rise in the demand for virtual and hybrid events

Due to the situation brought about by the Corona pandemic, the demand for online and hybrid events has risen as social distancing has become a norm.

Charlie Lee, the Litecoin Foundation managing director, reiterated this message in a statement he released. He said that due to the pandemic’s effects, the firm is looking for fields that could efficiently deliver online virtual experiences all over the world. Charlie Lee further expressed his excitement on the partnership news as they seek to involve the community more effectively.

Hub is rewarding its clients as well as its partner

Eric Ly, the creator of Hub, explained that a reward is due to the Litecoin Foundation community for their profound and reliable activities. He said that Hub would hand Litecoin international community the ability to interact and give prizes to clients who appropriately conduct their activities.

Both partnering parties, Hub and Litecoin Foundation, founded the Litening Series of Events as a way to set things in motion. This creation has the main objective of delivering news and making the community circle smaller. In the latest Litening Event, undertakers deliberated various Litecoin developments, for instance, the progress of MimbleWimble, the LTC Visa Card, and many others.

About Hub

The Hub is a community created based on crypto to reward its clients for honest activities carried out over their networks. The Hub further provides mobile and proven identity data as per their exchanges with other clients.

The Hub uses the Hub token as its original digital asset while providing enticements to boost clients’ relations. The clients are rewarded with Hub tokens for actions they undertake in the system, responsible for status data.

To learn more about Hub and its activities regarding Hub token, you will find it on the venture’s white paper.

Currently, the Hub token can be acquired and traded on Bitcoin and is reported to be underway on HitBTC.

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