Huobi Crypto Exchange Rectifies Security Breach That Exposed User Data

Huobi Crypto Exchange Rectifies Security Breach That Exposed User Data

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Huobi, one of the world’s notable cryptocurrency exchanges, has silently addressed a significant security vulnerability that reportedly left user assets exposed for two years. 

According to Aaron Phillips, a white hat hacker and researcher, Huobi inadvertently released a file containing Amazon Web Services (AWS) credentials in June 2021. This file leaked the contact and account details of 4,960 “crypto whales” and various internal documents.

Phillips suggested that this data breach could have resulted in “the largest crypto theft in history” if exploited by a malicious actor. He stated, “Anyone could have used the credentials to modify content on the and domains, among others. I had full control over data from almost every aspect of Huobi’s business.”

Phillips first warned Huobi about the leakage in June last year, but it took the exchange five months to respond and act on the leak. Huobi finally revoked its credentials in June 2023. The most critical aspect of the breach was the access to write privileges to Huobi’s content delivery networks (CDNs) and websites.

Phillips also claimed that the leak exposed a database of over-the-counter (OTC) trades dating back to 2017. This database contained user account information, transaction details, and the IP addresses of traders in a 2TB downloadable file. The breach also revealed the inner workings of Huobi’s production infrastructure and allowed access to alter JSON files of the firm’s NFT project – Utopo.

In response to the incident, Huobi stated on June 1 that the OTC data breach mentioned by Phillips was “not real, but test data.” The leaks involved user information of only 4000 users. According to Huobi exchange, the data breach occurred “due to improper operations by personnel related to the S3 bucket in the testing environment of the Huobi Japanese AWS site. The relevant user information was completely isolated on October 8, 2022.” The exchange also denied that the leak involved sensitive information and did not affect user accounts and fund security.

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