Forbes Laura Shin Publishes a Book on Cryptocurrencies

Forbes Laura Shin Publishes a Book on Cryptocurrencies

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Forbes Laura Shin Publishes

Forbes journalist Laura Shin’s recently released book “Cryptopians: Idealism, Greed, Lies, and the Creation of the First Big Crypto Craze” is a fresh look into the world of digital assets. Shin tells readers about creating a cryptocurrency platform that allowed users to build their own virtual money, igniting a new crypto fever.

The writer exposes readers to significant digital characters such as Buterin, the Web3 wunderkind, Charles Hoskinson, and Joe Labin, and former Goldman Sachs vice president turned one of the most famous cryptocurrency billionaires.

This enthralling book exposes the Bitcoin business for what it is. To be more specific, the author concentrates on the wealthy’s large-scale quest for influence and leadership in the upcoming revolution in the new money business.

Most importantly, the journalist’s remark that in her next research, she managed to uncover a hacker involved in hacking The DAO on Ethereum in 2016 drew the attention of readers who managed to get familiar with the book. The breach, according to Shin, was carried out by Austrian programmer Toby Hoenisch, co-founder, and CEO of TenX. This firm originally sold Bitcoin debit cards but later went bankrupt.

Cooperation with Chainalysis

It should be noted that Laura Shin cooperated with Chainalysis, a blockchain platform analytics business, as part of the inquiry as mentioned earlier. Chainalysis stated that it had hacked the CoinJoin Mixer service, revealing how the attackers could breach The DAO and steal ETH funds 6 years ago. Analysts believe that hackers employed technology to anonymize transactions.

Continuing to reveal details of a hacker attack that occurred many years ago, the journalist recalled that this event occurred in June 2016, when the attackers exploited vulnerabilities in TheDAO code and stole one-third of the organization’s funds (3.64 million ETH).

Toby Hoenisch, Co-founder and CEO at TenX and OnePay responded to the writer’s research findings. He refuted all claims, claiming insufficient proof to support such comments. He also declined being interviewed by the journalist, referring to her actions as normal public relations.

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