eBay on Track to Add Crypto Payments

eBay on Track to Add Crypto Payments

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eBay CEO Jamie Iannone

E-commerce giant eBay has announced that it could be adding crypto payments as soon as March 10.

In an interview with The Street on Sunday, eBay CEO Jamie Iannone revealed that the company has been considering crypto payments for quite some time. Trading platform eBay is already exploring NFTs. Crypto payments will be a deeper dive into the blockchain industry

eBay to Lure Millennials and Gen Z with Evolving Technology.

According to Iannone, eBay is looking to be the go-to place for Gen-Z and millennials. The platforms recently launched sneaker transactions where youngsters sell their sneakers and become collectors. The initiative has seen the Gen Z audience build new market capabilities.

Evolving technology seems to be the thing that will cater to this target audience. Iannone said that the announcement could be made on March 10 during eBay’s upcoming investors’ day.

E-commerce giant eBay embraced NFTs last May under trading cards, music, entertainment, and art categories. Additionally, eBay CEO Jamie Iannone also says it adjusted its company policies to a place where one can buy and sell anything, whether physical or digital. The growing demand for crypto assets has seriously pushed eBay to consider digital assets.

Iannone revealed that eBay is currently processing $85 billion in payment volume. Considering this volume, the company can open up new forms of payments. Trading platform eBay currently accepts Google Pay, Apple Pay, Australia’s BNPL option AfterPay, which is very appealing to Gen Z.

eBay Has Explored Adding Crypto Payments Before

It is worth noting that this would not be eBay’s first attempt at crypto payments. The company first tried to integrate BTC payments in 2014. In 2019, rumors surfaced that the company wanted to accept crypto payments. eBay shut down the allegations as untrue.

Additionally, it explored the crypto payments option last year when it launched NFTs. Now seems to be when e-commerce giant eBay is finally ready for crypto payments.

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