Crypto Trading Tips: Advanced Methods to Trade Double Top Pattern.

Crypto Trading Tips: Advanced Methods to Trade Double Top Pattern.

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Cryptocurrency trading can be a highly lucrative endeavor, but it requires a significant amount of knowledge, skill, and discipline to be successful. One strategy that experienced traders use to identify potential crypto trading opportunities is the double top pattern. In this article, we will explore advanced methods to trade crypto using the double top pattern.

The double top pattern is a technical analysis pattern that occurs when the price of an asset reaches a high point, pulls back, and then reaches the same high point again before reversing course. The pattern is seen as a bearish signal, indicating that the asset’s price may be about to fall.

How to Identify a Double Top Pattern

The double top pattern contains peaks and troughs. Two peaks are distinct and highly specific. These are roughly of the same level, and they have a trough in between them. The peaks are usually formed after a considerable amount of time has passed. So, don’t be in a hurry to determine a double top pattern. When the second peak is formed almost immediately as the first, you are most likely facing a fake double top situation. The time difference we are looking at is in the tune of several weeks, or months. For final confirmation, the pattern has the price of the asset breaking through the trough and falling indiscriminately. 

Once a double top pattern has been identified, there are several advanced methods that traders can use to trade it in the cryptocurrency market. These methods include:

1. Short selling: Short selling is a strategy that allows traders to profit from a falling market. To use this trading strategy with the double top pattern, traders would sell the cryptocurrency at the second peak, anticipating that the price will fall. This strategy requires careful risk management, as the trader will need to set a stop-loss order to limit potential losses if the price does not fall as expected.

2. Fibonacci retracement: Fibonacci retracement is a technical analysis tool that can help traders identify potential levels of support and resistance in the market. To use this tool with the double top pattern, traders would draw a Fibonacci retracement line from the first peak to the trough, and then from the trough to the second peak. This will create a set of retracement levels that can be used to identify potential entry and exit points for trades.

3. Moving average convergence divergence (MACD): The MACD is a momentum indicator that can help traders identify potential trend reversals in the market. To use this indicator with the double top pattern, traders would look for a bearish crossover between the MACD line and the signal line, indicating that momentum is shifting to the downside.

4. Volume analysis: Volume analysis is a technique that can help traders confirm the validity of a double top pattern. Traders would look for a significant increase in trading volume at the second peak, indicating that there is significant selling pressure in the market.

5. Price action analysis: Price action analysis is a technique that focuses on the behavior of the price itself, rather than relying on technical indicators or other tools. Traders using this technique would look for signs of weakness in the market, such as a failure to break through resistance levels, or a series of lower highs and lower lows.

How to set stop loss and take profit with double top pattern

Setting stop-loss and take-profit levels is an important aspect of trading with the double top pattern. Stop-loss orders help to limit potential losses, while take-profit orders help to lock in profits. Here are some steps to follow when setting stop-loss and take-profit levels with the double top pattern:

1. Identify the confirmation level: The confirmation level is the point at which the price breaks through the trough, indicating that the pattern is complete and that the price is likely to fall. Traders should place their stop-loss orders just above this level to limit potential losses if the price continues to rise.

2. Determine the distance between the peaks and the trough: The distance between the two peaks and the trough can be used to set a take-profit level. Traders should multiply this distance by a factor of 1.5 to 2, depending on their risk tolerance, to determine the take-profit level.

3. Consider other technical indicators: While the double top pattern can be a useful tool, it’s important to consider other technical indicators, such as moving averages and oscillators, when setting stop-loss and take-profit levels. These indicators can provide additional insight into the strength of the trend and the potential direction of the price.

4. Adjust levels as needed: Traders should always be prepared to adjust their stop-loss and take-profit levels as market conditions change. If the price moves significantly in one direction, traders may want to move their take-profit level closer to the current price or tighten their stop-loss level to limit potential losses.

5. Practice proper risk management: It’s important to use proper risk management techniques, such as setting appropriate position sizes and using stop-loss orders, when trading with the double top pattern. Traders should never risk more than they can afford to lose and should be prepared to exit the trade if the market moves against them.

How to Set Position Size and Determine the Possibility of a Profitable Trade with Double Top

Similarly to the triple top pattern, determining an appropriate position size is an important aspect of trading with the double top pattern. Position size refers to the amount of capital that a trader allocates to a particular trade. Here are some steps to follow when determining an appropriate position size:

1. Calculate the risk per trade: The risk per trade refers to the amount of capital that a trader is willing to risk on a particular trade. A common rule of thumb is to risk no more than 1-2% of your account balance on any given trade. For example, if you have a $10,000 trading account, you might risk $100-$200 on a single trade.

2. Determine the distance between the peaks and the trough: The distance between the two peaks and the trough can be used to determine the potential profit on the trade. Traders should use this information to calculate the potential reward-to-risk ratio. A good practice here is to place more funds on signals forming over a considerable period of time in weeks or months. Going all in on a double top forming only after a few days’ intervals is a high risk unless there’s great volume being traded. 

3. Calculate the position size: Once the potential risk and reward have been determined, traders can calculate an appropriate position size. This can be done using a formula that takes into account the risk per trade, the distance between the peaks and trough, and the potential reward-to-risk ratio. For example, a trader might use the following formula:

Position size = (risk per trade) / (distance between peaks and trough x reward-to-risk ratio)

4. Consider other factors: When determining an appropriate position size, traders should also consider other factors, such as the size of their trading account, their risk tolerance, and the volatility of the market.

5. Practice proper risk management: It’s important to practice proper risk management techniques when determining an appropriate position size. Traders should never risk more than they can afford to lose and should use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses.

Common Mistakes Traders Make When Trading With Double Top Pattern

While the double top pattern can be a valuable tool for cryptocurrency traders, there are several common mistakes that traders can make when using this pattern:

1. Entering positions too early: One of the most common mistakes traders make with the double top pattern is entering a trade too early. Traders may see the two peaks and assume that the pattern is complete, only to find that the price continues to rise. It’s important to wait for the confirmation of the pattern, which occurs when the price breaks through the trough.

2. Ignoring other factors: The double top pattern is just one tool in a trader’s arsenal, and it’s important not to rely on it exclusively. Traders should also consider other technical indicators, such as moving averages and oscillators, as well as fundamental factors, such as news and market sentiment.

3. Inadequate trend confirmation: The double top pattern is a bearish pattern, meaning that it signals a potential trend reversal from bullish to bearish. However, if the overall trend of the market is bullish, traders should exercise caution when trading the double top pattern, as the trend may continue despite the pattern.

4. Poor risk management techniques: Trading always involves risk, and it’s important to use proper risk management techniques, such as setting stop-loss orders and limiting the size of positions. Failure to do so can result in significant losses if the trade goes against the trader.

5. Over-reliance on patterns: While patterns such as the double top can be useful, they are not infallible. Traders should avoid over-reliance on patterns and should always consider other factors when making trading decisions.


In conclusion, the double top pattern is a valuable tool for cryptocurrency traders, and there are several advanced methods that can be used to trade it successfully. Traders should always use proper risk management techniques, such as setting stop-loss orders, and should be prepared to adjust their strategies as market conditions change. With the right knowledge and experience, the double top pattern can be a highly effective way to identify profitable trading opportunities in the cryptocurrency market.

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