Comedian Steve Harvey Launches NFTs for Charity

Comedian Steve Harvey Launches NFTs for Charity

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Steve Harvey’s NFTs

Comedian, businessman, and philanthropist Steve Harvey has released his first-ever Non-Fungible Digital Tokens (NFTs). All proceeds from the sale of Steve Harvey’s NFTs will go to his charity organization, the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation.

Steve Harvey NFTs Will Be In Three Releases

Comedian Steve Harvey will be launched his NFTs on Steve Harvey categorized the NFTs in three releases. The first is in honor of the home Steve grew up in on East 112th Street in Cleveland. As so, the comedian, businessman, and philanthropist created them in 112 editions of the classic Steve Harvey GIF from his infancy days in comedy.

The second version of Steve Harvey’s NFTs is his digital signature that is in 3 editions. The final release of the NFTs will be only one edition, which will be sold in an auction. The final Steve Harvey NFT will feature a tie autographed by the comedian.

NFTs have become very popular with celebrities. However, Steve Harvey is the first one to launch his for charity. The Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation focus on mentorship, scholarships, and education programs for disadvantaged youth. Steve mentioned that his entry to NFTs was influenced by his chief of staff and business advisor Thabiti Stephens.

Comedian Steve Harvey Has Also Invested in Bitcoin and Ethereum

Steve Harvey may be new to NFTs, but he is not to cryptocurrency. The comedian, businessman, and philanthropist confirmed that he has invested in leading cryptocurrency by market cap Bitcoin and Ethereum. Steve added that he does not prefer one over another. His decision relied on the fact that he had done the most research on these two digital coins.

As for the settlement of the Rarible platform for the sale of Steve Harvey’s NFTs, the comedian explained that the team was more open to collaborating with him. He referred to Rarible as user-friendly and therefore befitting for someone like him with no experience. Rarible offered an easier entry point and ease of service, something that Harvey was looking for.

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