Bybit’s Ben Zhou Debunks Insolvency Rumors and Hack Allegations

Bybit’s Ben Zhou Debunks Insolvency Rumors and Hack Allegations

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Quick Take:

  • Bybit CEO Ben Zhou tackles unsettling rumors head-on.
  • Zhou reassures with fresh proof of reserves amid hack and insolvency gossip.

Yello ParadiseSquad! Could your investments be at risk? Dive with us into the chaos as Bybit CEO Ben Zhou confronts alarming insolvency rumors with a defiant display of transparency.

In the digital wild west of crypto, rumors faster than a speeding bullet, and Bybit found itself the latest target. Whispers and tweets about the exchange being as empty as a ghost town, hacked and insolvent, started making the rounds. It all kicked off with a graph from Arkham Intelligence that might as well have had ‘misleading’ stamped in big bold letters.

Zhou to the Rescue

Ben Zhou, Bybit’s CEO and co-founder, didn’t just sit back and watch the rumor mill churn. On May 23, he jumped into the fray to set the record straight. Zhou pointed out that the panic was sparked by a proof-of-reserves graph that didn’t tell the whole story.

Bybit’s Balances in the Clear

Zhou wasn’t just talking a big game; he brought the receipts. He directed the crypto curious to a Nansen dashboard showing Bybit’s wallets were far from empty—boasting holdings north of $11 billion. He also updated Bybit’s proof of reserves, confirming that the exchange wasn’t just solvent but was holding assets worth over 100% of user deposits.

No Hacks, Just Facts

With a steady hand, Zhou dismantled the rumors piece by piece. Despite the visual drama of the misleading graph and the social media storm that followed, Zhou’s clarification highlighted that, at Bybit, it was business as usual.


In a world where crypto crises can ripple out faster than you can say ‘blockchain,’ Zhou’s swift action to squash rumors and provide transparency might just be what keeps Bybit’s ship steady. As for the crypto community, it’s a reminder that in the digital age, a little verification can go a long way before hitting the panic button.

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