Bitcoin of America Adds Doge to Their 1800 Plus Bitcoin ATMs

Bitcoin of America Adds Doge to Their 1800 Plus Bitcoin ATMs

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1800 Plus Bitcoin ATMs

According to PR Information Wire’s latest news, Bitcoin of America, a cash services company with a large FinCEN-registered digital FX trading, has introduced Dogecoin to their Bitcoin ATMs (BTMs). Dogecoin is currently available at all Bitcoin of America ATM locations.

Bitcoin of America is a popular digital currency exchange registered as a money services business with the US Department of Treasury. They’re known for their buyer assistance and ensuring a swift transaction.

Thousands of BTMs Across 31 States

Bitcoin of America has over 1800 BTMs spread throughout 31 states. Recognizing Dogecoin’s growing popularity, they decided it was time to include it on their platform. In October of last year, Bitcoin of America introduced Ethereum to its platform. They recognized Dogecoin’s growing popularity and decided it was time to incorporate it into their BTMs.

Bitcoin of America also accepts Bitcoin and Litecoin at their BTMs and website. You may find the one nearest to you by going to their website and entering your username and password.

Common Kiosk

Over the preceding year, the digital FX market has improved its machines and services several times. They debuted their new Common Kiosk in May 2021, which combines the features of a Bitcoin ATM with those of a traditional ATM. It possesses three key capabilities. You should buy cryptocurrency with cash and sell it for money. There’s also the traditional method of allocating funds from a debit card. Owners of retail properties can supplement their income.

Bitcoin of America also offers many programs for store owners interested in cryptocurrencies or who want to make extra money. Bitcoin of America looks after its host locations by providing them with passive income, increased foot traffic, and advertising and marketing. They also handle customer service and any maintenance or setup services.

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