Amazon’s New Job Listing Hinting to Addition of Crypto Payments

Amazon’s New Job Listing Hinting to Addition of Crypto Payments

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E-Commerce Giant Amazon

A new job listing on e-commerce giant Amazon is hinting at the integration of cryptocurrencies on the site. As usual, the crypto community is keen to spot such hints and waste no time on building speculations.

According to the job listing, American multinational e-commerce Amazon is looking for a Digital Currency and Blockchain Product Lead. The candidate will be expected to apply their knowledge in Amazon’s Blockchain, Distributed Ledger, Central Bank Digital Currencies, and Cryptocurrency sectors.

Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Cardano to also Make Part of Coins to Be Accepted

In addition to the job advert, a source close to the company revealed to British business newspaper City A.M. that American multinational e-commerce Amazon was preparing to start accepting Bitcoin payments as early as this year.

According to the source, the innovation taking place in cryptocurrency was very inspiring to the e-commerce giant. With the future pointing to new technologies that enable fast, affordable, and convenient payments, Amazon was curious to see how crypto would look like on their site.

The anonymous source also revealed that the cryptocurrency project is not something new to Amazon. E-commerce giant Amazon has been working on it for years. In fact, the project is now at full-on ready to launch stages.

Although Bitcoin will be the most popular option in Amazon’s crypto payments considering its position by market cap, the company will not stop there. According to the source, the e-commerce giant will proceed to add Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Cardano.

E-Commerce Giant Amazon also Working on its Native Token

American multinational e-commerce Amazon is the biggest online marketplace currently with over 300 million active users globally. Amazon’s crypto payments will significantly boost crypto adoption.

Apart from external cryptocurrencies, Amazon has also been working on a native digital token of its own. In 2018, the e-commerce giant launched two blockchain services for its Amazon Web Services (AWS) branch. It is therefore possible that the addition of crypto payments may include its own if it is ready by the time of launch.

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