A 20-year-old Ukrainian flees Russia’s war with USB holding life savings

A 20-year-old Ukrainian flees Russia’s war with USB holding life savings

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Ukrainian flees Russia's war

Following Russia’s invasion, the Ukrainian youth escaped his homeland with nearly half of his life savings worth $2,000 of Bitcoin in a USB drive.

According to a CNBC report, the Ukrainian guy is known as “Fadey” has departed Ukraine following Russia’s sixth week of advancing into Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital. The 20-year-old told CNBC that he had been able to make it to.

Fadey stated he transferred 40% of his life savings into Bitcoin (BTC) because he couldn’t withdraw cash from ATMs “because the lines were that long, and I couldn’t wait that long.” According to sources, the USB stick holds roughly $2,000 in Bitcoin, with the monies accessible only with a unique password. “I could just put my seed word on a piece of paper and carry it with me,” Fadey remarked.

The Polish guy who is now safe isn’t the only one who has benefited from cryptocurrencies. Various digital currencies have been given to aid in purchasing military equipment among other things.

More People Continue to flee Ukraine

According to the UN refugee agency, more than 10 million people have fled Ukraine in the week since Russia started its full-scale invasion.

Member states of the European Union have responded by unanimously agreeing to provide all Ukrainians with automatic, temporary one-year visas (extendable for another two years) to avoid long asylum proceedings.

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, ten million people have fled their homes in Ukraine as a result of the Russian invasion. A further 6.5 million people are likely to be internally displaced within the war-torn country, and the 3.6 million have fled to neighboring countries.

While tensions between Moscow and Kyiv are at an all-time high, young people on both sides of the border are hoping for peace.

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