Is the famous Dutch family, the Taihuttus, still investing in Bitcoin?? CNBC finds out

Is the famous Dutch family, the Taihuttus, still investing in Bitcoin?? CNBC finds out

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Taihuttus a Dutch family

Back in 2017, a Dutch family, the Taihuttus, made news after they liquidated all their assets to buy Bitcoin. CNBC got in touch with the family this year to assess how the family is doing and find out whether the five-household family persisted with this global trend.

In an interview with CNBC, the 42-year-old father of three showed no regret with his decision. In fact, he feels quite lucky that the bulk of his BTC investment was bought back when a coin went for only $900 compared to today’s market value of almost $20000.

What now for the Dutch family?

Having sold most of their possessions, including his business, houses, and cars, Didi Taihuttu took onto a nomadic lifestyle and has since traveled 40 countries with his family. The household expressed their satisfaction in living a simple life with no physical belongings to show off. The belief in the Bitcoin industry remains unwavering, and they soon hope to be multi-millionaires.

Bitcoin family, the Taihuttus

What is the future for the Taihuttus?

The family’s initial plan was to monetize their Crypto this year and re-invest when the prices dipped during the halving period that was due in May 2020. Disappointingly though, the covid-19 pandemic took a toll on the market and saw prices deteriorate before the halving period in May.

The family continues to live an easy life as their document their story on Crypto living on their YouTube channel

Was this a little bit too much?

Didi Taihuttu is well aware of the silent sentiment people have towards his drastic decision to sell most of his possessions and drag across the world his wife daughters of ages between 10 and 15. In the interview, Didi explains how the wife and daughter keep pushing him towards the bold life the household subscribed to during tougher economic times.

Taihuttu trades every day. He is, however, not a bitcoin fanatic but holds other crypto coins such as Ethereum and Litecoins. The family predicts supply crises after major organizations such as PayPal announced to start selling Bitcoins. Their silver lining may just be around the corner

Taihuttu predicts that the Bitcoin’s value could soon rise $100,000 and it shouldn’t surprise anyone if the value skyrocket to $200,000 by 2022.


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