Gamers can now use their Atari tokens for betting, shopping and gaming

Gamers can now use their Atari tokens for betting, shopping and gaming

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Atari tokens for betting

Atari, a gaming giant, recently made it public, that gamers within the Atari platforms could now be at a position to spend their tokens in operations such as betting, shopping as well as in gaming. This has been made possible following to their recent partnership with Unikrn, an e-sport firm.

The partnership terms had it that the e-sport firm Unikrn will enjoy the benefits of access to the classic games of Atari that includes asteroids, Pong as well as Centipede. Atari on the other hand has it that, they are to improve their ecosystem in the gaming world by having to display their gaming tokens within the e-sport platforms of Unikrn. 

According to the report made by the Unikrn co-founder Rahul Sood, he stated that betting has the potential of revolutionizing the future of e-sport immensely. His support for the betting in e-sport fueled their partnership with Atari by enabling the use of Atari tokens in within the platform of Unikrn for betting, shopping and for gaming.

The videogames within the Atari platforms were launched back in the 70s and 80s. It has however been confirmed that they have established a strong interest in the adoption of the cryptos and blockchains within their gaming system. From their recent partnership with Unikrn, they are likely to enhance transactions within these platforms.

Atari made a partnership with Arkane in May. This partnership was aimed at the establishment of an integrated blockchain and crypto tokens within their videogames to enhance the players’ experience. 

From the success of their partnership with Arkane, they made a statement that their first coin offering is likely to be launched before the end of 2020. They further specified that their focus will be aligned to major crypto assets within their platforms and that included the Pong and Atari tokens. Therefore, the gamers who hold assets within their blockchain will be at a position to perform transactions that includes shopping, betting, and gaming.

At the moment, it has been confirmed that users of up to 12,000 in number have made preorder of the Atari gaming console. This was after Atari created a crowdfunding platform that facilitates them raising a whopping amount of up to $3 million.  

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