Is Crypto Dead in 2020? Let’s find out!

Is Crypto Dead in 2020? Let’s find out!

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is crypto dead

Ever since the crypto was launched in 2008, we have been hearing about its potential doomsday. However, more than a decade later, not only the cryptocurrencies are still around, but the pioneering one, Bitcoin, happens to be worth 4 figures. Therefore, it is quite a promising and well-established stance that whatever some people might say, crypto is not dead at all. In fact, in some of the use cases, it’s a more popular mode of payment than fiat! So, the question is, Is Crypto dead in 2020? Let’s find out.

Crypto not dead

Is Crypto dead in 2020?

Apart from being used as a payment transfer mechanism, crypto’s trading use case is also booming at an incredible pace. In order to make trading a bliss for you, MyCryptoParadise serves as the most trustable platform to provide you with the best crypto signals.

In this article, we will explore how the likes of MyCryptoParadise are making this entire industry more acceptable and profitable.

Our Services Are Making the Crypto Industry Grow More Than Ever Before

To begin with, please note that we offer a handful of free crypto signals on Telegram so you can get used to the industry (even if you are a beginner), understand the trends and how we present the signals, be able to interpret the market and then make your decisions accordingly. Once you are satisfied with the results and the approach, you are can join our premium groups for receiving up to 9 signals per day.

We are the Pros of Bitmex and Binance Trading

The reason why cryptocurrencies are being looked upon as ‘shady’ is that the niche is quite volatile and some inexperienced people hop into this dense market. These people dish out fake news and illegitimate signals, thus the people who follow their strategies face heavy losses and end up blaming cryptocurrencies and believe that Crypto is dead.

bitmex vs binance

Ask yourself – if you make a bad move, is crypto responsible for that? Of course, not!

However, at MyCryptoParadise, our highly experienced traders are available round the clock to identify the trends in the market and roll out the best crypto signals for you. Apart from that, our experienced traders are also available 24/7 via Telegram so you can reach out to them and discuss any concerns or strategies.

This is one of the primary reasons as to how we have managed to keep the spirits and profits high among the crypto industry where every second person seems to be calling it a potentially ‘dead’ market.

The reason why we target Bitmex and Binance is that these are two of the most popular, secure, and reliable exchanges in the industry and our traders are pros on these platforms as they have earned hundreds and thousands of dollars for themselves as well.

Just to give you an even better idea that crypto isn’t dead and in fact, it’s thriving better than ever before is that you can view our monthly reports for each exchange, based on Bitmex and Binance signals.

Why Do People Say the Market Is Dead?

It is worth noticing that there are thousands of cryptocurrencies in the market now and most of them were launched after the BTC hype created towards the end of 2017. However, only a couple hundred of these currencies are investment-worthy. While, it should be taken as a positive signal, some inexperienced people have termed the overall market ‘dead’ because of only a few hundred currencies performing below average.

is crypto dead or not?

Well, MyCryptoParadise is very different in this regard. After reaping the benefits, our experts do not just play with top cryptocurrencies only. We are known for dishing out the best crypto signals for all the top-performing currencies on Binance and Bitmex, regardless of its ranking in the market. This is because we just have one goal in mind – to enable our traders such that they can make huge profits on their own!

See, we cannot ignore the fact that the crypto industry is relatively younger than its significant others and it’s still evolving. Therefore, if the market takes a nosedive at any given point, there is no need to panic or withdraw your capital. That is when you should be looking out for opportunities in order to take advantage of market volatility. Of course, it would take a lot of time for you to reach that level and understand the trends on your own. Therefore, our crypto experts provide the breakdown of crypto trading signals after conducting a technical analysis. If you are still having a question in mind that is Crypto dead in 2020 then you need to relax as Crypto is not going anywhere.

Crypto’s Adoption Is Higher Than Ever Before

People never crave dead assets – because of just the right reason ‘they don’t possess any current or future value’. However, in crypto’s case, its adoption is soaring and many businesses are being built around the very technology. So, there must be something thrilling and promising about these assets, right?

crypto currency

Of course!

This is your time to start trading cryptocurrencies with our Binance and Bitmex signals and accumulate more and more of these assets. Therefore, since the adoption is growing, when your possessed coin grows in value, you could become the next millionaire!


So, you must have understood by now that crypto is not going anywhere, let alone dying. It’s undergoing a mass adoption these days and since many people are finding it reliable and practical for their daily transactions, the value is only expected to grow in the long run meaning Crypto is not dead in 2020 and is still going strong.

By looking at the graphs of some of the popular cryptocurrencies, that are often considered as the trendsetters, you would notice that they follow certain trends. Even if a cryptocurrency goes down significantly, it never fails to bounce back and stun the market.

mycryptoparadise- crypto signals

Therefore, it entirely depends upon your choice as to whether you want to be a part of this lucrative industry or leave it by reading a random ‘BTC is dying’ news on the web. Since there are many use cases that you could opt for in order to be a part of this multi-million-dollar industry, we have realized that trading has the maximum potential. The reasons are quite straightforward – firstly, the niche is volatile so you can potentially earn more in a relatively shorter span than fiat.  Secondly, you no longer have to do extensive research as our experienced traders provide you with the best crypto signals, thus cutting down the hassles for you.

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Fadiji Joseph
Fadiji Joseph
3 years ago

A lot of people have different opinions about cryptocurency and blockchain as a whole. But the revolution is already here. There’s no denying it. Now’s the time to make investments in information that will shape the future

Paul West
Paul West
3 years ago

Crypto may not be dead but it doesn’t mean it’s the ‘Superman’ of finance. People are still the users of these systems. Human factors will still come into play. Overall, this technology is going to stand the test of time

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