Cookie Policy

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Cookie Policy

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Let’s bake some cookies…

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Who are you and why am I here?

My name is Šimon Robin Mach, Id. No. 063 16 760, registered office at Dobřichovice, Nová cesta 761 and I together with my affiliates operate the website (and any subdomains thereof).

Since we use cookies on our website to analyze traffic and to personalize content and ads, we prepared this Cookie Policy to help you understand what cookies are and how we use them (and also to comply with applicable law).

If you do not like anything you read in this Cookie Policy, we must ask you not to use our website, to delete any cookies already stored therefrom, and/or to change settings of your web browser to disable storing any cookies from our website.

For further information on how we collect, process, store and keep secure your personal data, please, refer to privacy policies available on our website.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your device by websites you visit. They allow websites to recognize your device and store some information, for example about your location and past actions.

There are different types of cookies. Some cookies may be stored on your device till their expiry date, unless you delete them earlier (“persistent cookies”), and some may expire at the end of your browsing session, when your web browser is closed (“session cookies”). Some cookies may come directly from the web server of our website (“first-party cookie”) and some are stored by a different domain (“third-party cookies”).

You can find more information about cookies at


What cookies do you use?

The cookies we use cannot grant us any access to your computer. These cookies are not viruses or spyware and are not built to damage your device. We use both persistent and session cookies and both first-party and third-party cookies on our website.

We have listed the cookies that we use on our website, what each cookie is used for and how long it is retained below:

Statistics and Analytics Cookies

These cookies are used to help us understand how visitors interact with our website by collecting anonymous information.

The information we collect from performance cookies is gathered as a “group statistic” e.g. 40,000 people viewed the website in May, rather than Mr. John Brown viewed the particular section of the website in April. In short, we cannot identify you from performance and analytical cookies.






Google Analytics


This cookie is used to register a unique visitor ID that is then used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses our website.

First party


2 years


Google Analytics


This cookie is used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses our website.

First party


1 day


Google Analytics


This cookie is used to throttle request rate.

First party

1 day


Essential Cookies

These cookies are technical cookies that are required for the operation of our website. Without essential cookies, our website can’t operate properly and your online experience may be diminished. Some parts of our website may not work at all.






This cookies is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their web site.

First party




This cookies is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their web site.

Third party (


179 days


Determines whether the visitor has accepted the cookie consent box. This ensures that the cookie consent box will not be presented again upon re-en try.

First party





This cookies is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their web site.

Third party (





This cookies is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their web site.

Third party (




Helps to determine when cart contents/data changes.

First party




Contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer.

First party




Functionality Cookies 

These cookies are used to remember the user’s site preferences and choices they make on the site including username, region, and language.






This cookie is used to collect information about how the visitor interacts with the live chat function on the website.

First party


6 days


What choices do I have?

If you do not agree with this Cookie Policy, you may at any time easily manage stored cookies in your web browser settings (that means you can delete them) and you can also disable or limit storing of any new cookies. The exact procedure to manage the cookies depends on your web browser.

You can find more information at  

You may choose to disable storing cookies in general or only for some web servers. Please, be aware that in the event you decide to disable the cookies (in general or partially) or to delete stored cookies that we use, you may not be able to enjoy all the features of our website and our services.


How can I contact you?

If you have any questions about cookies and this Cookie Policy, please, contact our support team at [email protected].


Changes to the Cookie Policy

We reserve the right to amend and/or change this Cookie Policy from time to time. Therefore, please, check this Cookie Policy regularly.

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Let’s Get Started

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