French Video Game Giant Ubisoft Is Now Part of the Tezos Ecosystem

French Video Game Giant Ubisoft Is Now Part of the Tezos Ecosystem

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Tezos Ecosystem

French video game giant Ubisoft is now part of open-source platform Tezos’ ecosystem, according to a statement issued by the firm on Tuesday.

Ubisoft is Tezos’ New ‘Corporate Baker’

The announcement stated that Ubisoft is coming into Tezos as a “corporate baker.” A ‘baker’ for Tezos is simply a node that will authenticate any transactions that will take place on its blockchain. Since Ubisoft will be validating transactions between Tezos and other large companies, it will be the corporate baker.

The Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry publisher has always been keen on exploring and backing blockchain technology. Ubisoft’s latest move to join the Tezos ecosystem is a way of furthering the pursuit of blockchain technology.

The French video game giant Ubisoft intends to build a validator node on the Tezos network. It will then link the created validator to work together with other existing validators that authenticate transactions on the blockchain through its Strategic Innovation Lab.

Apart from validation, Ubisoft will also help in producing new blocks for Tezos. The process is almost similar to mining blocks in proof-of-work (PoW) blockchains, for instance, Bitcoin. In Tezos’ case, Ubisoft will be producing blocks for its proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm. It is this proof-of-stake technology that the Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry publisher intends to utilize in its research on how it could affect the future of gaming.

PoS Algorithm More Eco-Friendly than Power-Hungry PoW Blockchains

Nicolas Pouard, the blockchain initiative director at Ubisoft, stated that blockchain technology is a doorway to new possibilities for both players and developers. He added that Ubisoft is anticipating the chance to pursue its own innovation efforts that will come with the collaboration.

Pouard also affirmed the advantage of the PoS algorithm over PoW blockchains. Producing new blocks on the PoS algorithm neither requires high-end computers nor is it as power-hungry as mining on PoW blockchains. The Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry publisher is thus pleased that it will be pursuing its innovation efforts on such an eco-friendly Tezos ecosystem.

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