Senator Maurizio Gasppari, proposes a bill to ban bitcoin in Italy

Senator Maurizio Gasppari, proposes a bill to ban bitcoin in Italy

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Italian senator Maurizio Gasppari,

Italian senator Maurizio Gasppari, tweeted proposing to have Bitcoin banned, terming it dangerous and absurd stuff. The news hit the public domain after a report aired on a Satirical TV show known as Striscia la Notizia.

The satirical news program’s headline of the day Senator Gasppari’s news was aired, focused on whether it was worth investing in Bitcoin. Surprisingly there was no feedback from the listeners. The TV host went head to explain factors that bring about the changes in Bitcoin prices. He also warned people to be careful when dealing with cryptocurrencies that work as network marketing only.

The Italian senator strongly believes that Bitcoin should be considered illegal, particularly in Italy. In his tweet senator, Gasppari said that Bitcoin is ridiculous and those who use it know little of its downside, and it was high time he tabled a proposal in the Senate to have Bitcoin banned.

In December 2018, he had also expressed the same opinion to bring Bitcoin down., and where he wrote, it was not a surprise that the value of Bitcoin had fallen and who had trust in Bitcoin had a good lesson learn from opportunist who sought profits and fools who fell for the lie. Many are also looking forward to seeing how far the senator is willing to push for the bill;

Will senator Gasppari’s bill succeed?

Maurizio Gasparri is possibly the most popular government officials on the Italian scene. A former communication minister in Berlusconi’s government of the mid-2000s, he is head of the Forza Italia party in the Senate. He can present a bill, leave it in the Senate, and patiently wait for it to run its course.

Final Thought

Given that Senator Gasppari is from the opposition party, he has to work extra hard to find enough members from the Senate to get the bill passed. However, the largest number of members in the Italian parliament is held by the 5 Star Movement, which rather appears to consistently aware of the blockchain and digital currency topic.

Besides, Italy is now encountering a political crisis that could prompt an early end to the Senate. The collapse of parliament and new elections are likely to hinder Senator Gasppari’s #banning bitcoin bill.

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