50 Cent Caught in $500M Crypto Scandal: Claims Hackers Used His Fame in Massive Rug Pull

50 Cent Caught in $500M Crypto Scandal: Claims Hackers Used His Fame in Massive Rug Pull

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Quick Take:

  • 50 Cent’s digital platforms fall victim to hackers who stage a $300 million crypto heist, leaving the rapper to clear his name.
  • The GUNIT token, launched and obliterated within half an hour, leaves a trail of chaos, turning a potential crypto boon into a bust.

Yello Paradisers! Did you hear about 50 Cent’s denial of any involvement in a staggering $500 million crypto scam after hackers used his social media to promote a fraudulent token?

50 Cent Clears the Air on Alleged Crypto Chaos

In a turn of events that blends celebrity influence with digital deceit, 50 Cent, aka Curtis Jackson III, has swiftly disentangled himself from rumors of a $500 million cryptocurrency rug pull. His X account and website fell prey to cunning hackers who launched the dubious GUNIT token using his massive social media clout, which boasts about 12.9 million followers.

The Hack Attack

The digital assailants not only hijacked 50 Cent’s platforms but orchestrated a classic rug pull, pumping the token’s value sky-high before pulling the digital rug, leaving the token’s value in the virtual dust at $0.00016. The rapper disclosed to his 33 million Instagram followers that these quick-fingered bandits netted a cool $300 million in a mere 30 minutes, a heist so swift it would make a con artist blush.

Disconnection Declaration

50 was quick to clarify that his involvement with the GUNIT token was nonexistent, a mere fabrication by the hackers. This clarification is crucial given his somewhat checkered past with cryptocurrency, dating back to 2018 when he was rumored to have amassed a fortune in Bitcoin from album sales, a claim he later refuted in bankruptcy court, stating that any Bitcoin he accepted was immediately converted into U.S. dollars.

Previous Crypto Ventures

This isn’t 50’s first tango with crypto. Back in 2018, the “Animal Ambition” album brought him into the Bitcoin sphere as he allowed fans to purchase the album with the cryptocurrency. Though initial reports suggested a significant Bitcoin boon, these were later debunked by 50 himself, asserting that the cryptocurrency adventure was less lucrative than speculated.

As the dust settles on this latest digital drama, it’s a stark reminder of the volatile nexus between celebrity and cryptocurrency, a space where fame can unpredictably collide with finance, and not always for profit. Meanwhile, 50 Cent remains a figure whose steps in the crypto world, though few, are watched with a keen eye.

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